Inside the Frame #2 ENG

deadline: 10.02.22

1 year after the first edition, Spazio In Situ come back with the opencall INSIDE THE FRAME. The format looks for artists, photographers, illustrators and graphic designers to interact with the roman artist-run space-
At the entrance of the show space, an advertising canvas, is a support for In Situ to question the guest artists. To select the proposals, the artist-run space decided to open its spaces with an opencall, free of charge and open to anyone, regardless of age and nationality. The 5 selected works will be produced and shown by Spazio In Situ, with the goal to give the winners the chance to freely question themselves on an unusual support, giving them the oportunity of a lasting visibility through In Situ’s platforms.


L’esito della call verrà pubblicato il 20 febbraio 2022. Spazio In Situ contatterà i vincitori tramite e-mail. I risultati saranno resi pubblici via mail, sui social network e sul sito ufficiale

DEADLINE_ 10.feb.22


The opencall is directed to artists, graphic designers and illustrators. The application is free to anyone, no matter their age, nationality and gender. The members of Spazio In Situ will not be able to apply.


The 5 selected projects will be published, printed and shown at the entrance of the exhibition space, one by one, from February 2022. The projects need to be bidimentional and digital, planned to be printed on F4 size (89,5/128 cm). The deadline for the applications is the 1st of August 2020 by midnight (Italian timezone).
The selected partecipants will be contacted by Spazio In Situ.


The applications has to be sent to with object “application INSIDE THE FRAME”. All those interested need to send:

Project for the opencall (pdf max 2MB).

CV (pdf)

The completed form (pdf)

Each file must be entitled:
“INSIDETHEFRAME-name-last name-project
“INSIDETHEFRAME-name-last name- CV
“INSIDETHEFRAME-name-last name- applicationform

(example: INSIDETHEFRAME/LucaRossi/project.PDF)


The selection of candidates will be done by the eleven members of Spazio In Situ. The projects will be chosen by their bearing to the surface (advertising canvas), their quality, originality and contemporaneity. The selection will be done blindly, without knowing artist’s name or cv. Only the project will be material of judgment. The vote of the Jury will be incontestable and final.


The application implies total acceptance of the regulation, and allows In Situ for the visual rapresentation of selected projects, and relative publication.


The applyers allow Spazio In Situ to publish and duplicate the selected projects, for promotional purposes only.