presentazione 24/10/20 e 31/10/20 – 13:00/21:00

– per mantenere le norme di sicurezza consigliamo ai visitatori di contattarci per organizzare al meglio gli orari e non creare assembramenti.
Il manifesto sarà visitabile ogni giorno <su appuntamento> dalle 10:00 alle 18:00, fino al 7 Novembre.

Mon travail artistique est une sorte de régression « positive ». Les souvenirs et
visions d’aventures qui ont nourri mon enfance sont utilisés consciemment. Mes
interventions créent un univers personnel, d’exploration et d’expédition. Je joue avec l’ambiguïté « évidente » entre la menace et l’humour, entre le minuscule et le gigantesque. Le spectateur est souvent plongé dans une fiction, un rêve expliqué en formes et images. J’aime donner des doubles vies à tous les objets qui m’entourent, grâce à des gestes, des interventions minimales, à la limite de l’abstraction.


In case of emergency
Beak glass
Of course !
But how ?
The hammer is behind the glass. If I understand correctly, you have to sacrifice
my hand for my life.
Do I also have to sacrifice my money to buy a piece of art ?
The game is worth the candle, I guess.
The screenprint reveals simple, geometric and minimal shapes. A black
horizontal line and a longer beige vertical line touch to form a cross.
Is it sacred in this Roman city ?
This combination seems abstract. However, the evocation of a hammer
becomes more and more obvious, to become a figurative representation of it.
The installation of this object in a frame and behind a window easily recalls
the emergency hammers that are found in most public transport. A box
that preserves something precious, by its value or by its function, or simply
so as not to be touched or stolen.
But how can I expect this hammer ?
Do I have to sacrifice my hand again ?
Or should I buy a hammer screen print to free the exposed one ?